Welcome to a New Year: 2021 Please continue to share these weekly posts with your peers and suggest they sign up to receive them personally by logging into www.stemwest.org. The first pop-up allows the visitor to sign up for campaigns/announcements for the general public. Educators may sign up for this but definitely need to sign … Continue reading New Opportunities: January 5th, 2021
New Opportunities: December 18th, 2020–Last post before the holidays!
Holiday Greetings! This post is being published the Friday before many get out for the Christmas break. I am wishing a blessed, restful break for each of you. Your efforts and long hours are not going unnoticed! Keep up the good fight and finish the race well, as you always do, under the everchanging landscape … Continue reading New Opportunities: December 18th, 2020–Last post before the holidays!
New Opportunities: December 14, 2020
Mark your calendars for January 30, 2021! The NC Association of Elementary Educators (NCAEE) conference will be virtual and free! Go to bit.ly/NCAEE2021 and sign up! Environmental Education Awards! This announcement is being sent on behalf of Melissa Anley-Mills, if you have any questions please contact Melissa at email: [email protected]. or [email protected] Education Awards for K-12 Students and TeachersKnow … Continue reading New Opportunities: December 14, 2020
New Opportunities: December 7th, 2020
Year-End Contributions Please consider donating to the work of STEM West this year to continue bringing STEM programming to our rural students in western NC! Computer Science Week: This holiday season, join as we create and give through 3D printing. Introduce your child to one of the most revolutionary manufacturing techniques of this decade, and … Continue reading New Opportunities: December 7th, 2020
New Opportunities: November 30, 2020
Home/School Learning Activities: Build a pencil eraser plane: How can you improve the design? Can you make it turn? Go faster/further? Build your own Christmas boxes: How does the increase of the perimeter change the volume? Free for 4th-6th Grade Educators: NC State is teaming up with Project Food, Land, and People to offer a … Continue reading New Opportunities: November 30, 2020
New Opportunities: November 16, 2020
Hurricane Curriculum Available for High Schools For high school teachers who are near a hurricane-prone coast, this year's supercharged hurricane season is nearly over and the Hurricane Resilience curriculum is now available! It's free online at https://scied.ucar.edu/hurricane-resilience Through 20 days of instruction, high school students make connections between the science of hurricanes, how they affect their … Continue reading New Opportunities: November 16, 2020
New Opportunities: November 9, 2020
PBL for Remote Learning Check out PBLWorks for some ideas! FOCUS Group for Biology Dear Teachers,We are inviting you and other middle and high school teachers in North Carolina to participate in a focus group for a research study at North Carolina State University. Our study explores how people make sense of an emerging biotechnology … Continue reading New Opportunities: November 9, 2020
New Opportunities: November 2, 2020
Rubric's Cube: FREE Resources Borrow a Set Borrow one of our Mosaic Builder Sets for 6 weeks, plenty of time to create multiple designs! Choose a set size based on the image you want to create, number of participating students, display size/location, and return shipping costs. This message is being sent on behalf of Monte Kalisch, … Continue reading New Opportunities: November 2, 2020
Need Met Through Partnership
NC Congressman Patrick McHenry meeting with Dr. Carol Moore of STEM West, and Madi NeeSmith, AmeriCorp VISTA. NC Congressman Patrick McHenry graciously donated a laptop and desktop to STEM West. Specifically, the devices will be used by STEM West’s new AmeriCorps Communications VISTA Madi NeeSmith. An AmeriCorps VISTA is someone who serves full-time for a … Continue reading Need Met Through Partnership
New Opportunities: October 26th, 2020
Preparing for Computer Science (CS) Week December 7th-13th! Schools, libraries, community centers, etc. can all promote CS week in December using the following resources: Computer Science Education Week Code.org resources such as videos, speakers, posters, and activities Want to start a Drone Program? Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance has an entire program already developed. These resources … Continue reading New Opportunities: October 26th, 2020