New Opportunities June 2024
There are so many opportunities for you to engage with the STEM ecosystem. Please check out all the new opportunities to enlarge your network, improve your craft, and engage students in STEM to end this year with excitement!
Please feel free to share this with colleagues who are also interested in resources related to STEM Education!
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APPLICATION DEADLINE: Sep 29, 2024 by 3:00pm ET
Please review the Request for Proposals for detailed information on eligibility and the application process.
About The Award
The Burroughs Wellcome Fund’s Career Award for STEM Teachers recognizes outstanding STEM teachers in the North Carolina public primary and secondary schools.
The award provides $175,000 over five years. It is available to North Carolina teachers with an outstanding performance record in educating children and demonstrating a solid knowledge of STEM content.
This award presents opportunities for professional development and collaboration with other master science and/or mathematics teachers who will help ensure their success as teachers and their satisfaction with the teaching field. The award allows schools and school districts to develop and empower teachers as leaders in the field fully.
Teachers working in hard-to-staff, economically deprived classrooms in North Carolina will receive special consideration. Efforts to integrate environmental science and climate change into STEM-related curricula will also receive special consideration.
The Fund and the State Board of Education recognize that improving STEM education in North Carolina will require systemic revision of K-12 instruction.
Teachers who are content-area experts with pedagogical skills are critical to ensuring students’ success in understanding STEM subjects. These teachers can make a difference by serving as change agents for their students and other educators across the state.
North Carolina STEM Schools of Distinction Recognition Program
North Carolina is providing quality STEM education. To recognize our states finest STEM Schools and Programs, NC has developed an application process to identify and recognize exemplary STEM Schools and STEM Programs.
The STEM Recognition Program provides elementary, middle, and high schools the opportunity to submit an application for review describing their schools distinguished approaches to leading and learning; implementing the Five Overarching Principles as defined in the STEM Schools Progress Rubric. Schools/Programs demonstrating evidence they are implementing all key elements of a quality STEM program at the “Prepared” or “Model” level will be recognized.
We are requesting schools planning to apply for potential STEM Recognition; to fill out the following Intent to ensure you receive information about the application, timeline, and resources that will provide assistance in this process.
For more information about the application process and timeline, please visit the STEM Education and Leadership home page or contact Howard Ginsburg at 984.236.2844.
NOTE: This Educator Workshop is intended specifically for educators — not the general public.
WILD About Bears will focus on black bears in North Carolina. The workshop will be spent learning about the life history and current research on black bears, as well as activities that can be incorporated into your programs. This special topic Project WILD will include a visit to our resident black bears that live in our Animal Habitats. Educators who attend a Project WILD workshop qualify for CEU credits, training hours, or NC Environmental Education Certification credit.
Instructor: Lauren Farrell (GMSF Interpretation and Education Programs Manager)
This workshop is free to attend, although advance registration is required. Limited to 25 participants. Registration below on April 29 at 10 a.m. Attendees are also asked to bring their own lunch, although there is a restaurant on site.
What to Bring?
Your time will be spent indoors and outdoors and all programs are held rain, snow or shine. You should be prepared for a variety of mountain weather conditions and temperatures. Appropriate clothing, equipment, and footwear are very important. Please bring a daypack with enough room to carry extra clothing (i.e., extra layers, rain gear), water, lunch, notepad/paper, pen/pencil, etc. Mildred’s Grill will be open and participants may purchase food from the restaurant for lunch if they prefer to do so.
Additional information
Educational Experience Forms will be available for certification hours and Continuing Education Credit for the instructor to sign off on. Grandfather Mountain may also serve as Criteria III – Site visit hours, but these hours must be gained outside of the time that the workshop takes place (i.e., prior to or after the workshop). Staff will be available to sign off on these site visit forms.
**New 2023 K-12 Science Standards Support Document & Canvas Hub**
The K-12 Science Team is excited to announce the publication of the 2023 K-12 Science Standards Support Documents. The support documents are housed on the new K-12 Science Canvas Hub.
The NC K-12 Science Standards Resource Hub is a repository to provide all Science stakeholders a variety of resources for supporting school leaders, administrators, educators, and parents/caregivers.
In addition to the 2023 K-12 Science Standards Support Documents, the Hub houses other resources such as the standards, crosswalks, communications, and other recommended resources related to the implementation of the North Carolina K-12 Science Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS). Science educators are encouraged to browse, reference, download, share, discuss, and adapt resources.
This resource hub can be accessed with or without a Canvas account via the direct link The team will continue to build and refine the new Hub, so please let us know if you have any suggestions or additions.
We want to sincerely express our admiration and gratitude to all of the science educators across NC that helped to design and write our new support documents. Their insights, classroom perspective and dedication were invaluable.
The NCDPI K-12 Science Team
K-12 Mathematics Standards Review Overview
The NCDPI Math team has launched the K-12 Mathematics Standards Review process.
Key things to know:
All K-12 Math standards will be reviewed at one time, unlike the previous review/revision process.
The currently planned timeline:
2024-2025 school year for Review (focus groups, surveys, interviews, research etc.).
2025-2026 school year for Revisions (If approved for revisions by the SBE)
2026-2027 school year for Installation
2027-2028 school year for Implementation
Details were shared in the Math Office Hour on May 21, 2024.
NCDPI K-12 Mathematics Virtual Office Hours
On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the NCDPI K-12 Mathematics team, with special guests, NCDPI Testing and Accountability specialist and NC2ML representatives, held an office hour for NC math school and district leaders. This office hour featured information, opportunities, and resources from all groups as well as public launch and review of the K-12 Mathematics Standards Revision Timeline from NCDPI Mathematics team.
Click here for the agenda, presentation, and recording.
Invigorating Statistics and Data Science Teaching through Professional Learning [InSTEP]
InSTEP is a new way to offer personalized professional learning to support teachers and instructional coaches in developing expertise in teaching statistics and data science and grades 6-12. With InSTEP you can:
Personalize learning to meet your professional needs through customized recommendations, collaborative spaces, and choice of learning modules and microcredentials.
Build your skills in data investigations and innovative teaching approaches based on practices of data professionals and research on students’ learning with data.
Expand your professional collection of resources and technology vetted by experts in statistics and data science education.
Earn certificates to apply to CEUs.
Use this flyer to share the opportunity with colleagues.
For more information, please contact lead designers and facilitators from NC State:
2024 CTE Summer Conference
”Navigating the Future”
Winston-Salem, NC
July 18-19, 2024
The Office of Career and Technical Education at DPI would like to personally invite all the Elementary Computer Science, IT, and Technology teachers to the 2024 CTE Summer Conference!
The conference will be held July 18-19, 2024 at the Benton Convention Center and Marriott Winston-Salem, NC.
Register Now!
Registration Deadline is July 5, 2024
To check out the agenda, hotel information, and register, visit the website:
Questions? Contact [email protected]