STEM West New Opportunities: October 2024

STEM West 

Dear STEM West Partners,

We hope this message finds you safe during these incredibly challenging times. As many of you are aware, the recent hurricane has caused widespread flooding and landslides throughout western North Carolina, resulting in devastating losses for our communities. Many of our clients and partners have lost their homes, businesses, and sense of security. The western counties, where we serve, have been deeply impacted by this event. 

First and foremost, our thoughts are with each of you as we navigate this crisis together. At STEM West, our mission has always been to support and uplift our community, and this mission has never been more urgent. We understand that many of our partners, have been deeply affected by the damage caused by the storm. The impact on families, infrastructure, and livelihoods is profound, and we are here to help.

Hurricane Helene Relief

Support Western NC

Our hearts and thoughts are with our colleagues in western NC, along with their students, families, and communities due to the devastating effects of Hurricane Helene. Our western communities face a long road to recovery.

If you want to help, consider donating to these organizations:

  • Home Disaster Loans: Loans to homeowners or renters to repair or replace disaster-damaged real estate and personal property, including automobiles.

  • Business Physical Disaster Loans: Loans to businesses to repair or replace disaster-damaged property owned by the business, including real estate, inventories, supplies, machinery and equipment. Businesses of any size are eligible. Private, non-profit organizations such as charities, churches, private universities, etc., are also eligible.

  • Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL): Working capital loans to help small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture, and most private, non-profit organizations of all sizes meet their ordinary and necessary financial obligations that cannot be met as a direct result of the disaster. These loans are intended to assist through the disaster recovery period

Together with state and federal partners, FEMA is actively supporting Hurricane Helene response efforts. Also provides tips for post-storm safety, state resources, family reunification, and other information. You can apply for assistance in three ways:

  • Online by visiting

  • Call 800-621-3362. If you use a relay service, such as video relay service (VRS), captioned telephone service or others, give FEMA the number for that service.

  • Download the FEMA app

To Help

Follow the links below for opportunities to volunteer or donate. Financial donations are best. Do not travel to impacted areas without coordinating with local and state officials.

NC Disaster Relief Fund

Donations made to the North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund will go to nonprofits working to meet the immediate needs of storm victims such as food and water, cleaning supplies and other emergency supplies. All of the donations made will go to disaster relief. United Way of North Carolina is the fiscal agent for the fund and will provide grants and reimbursement to nonprofits working in impacted communities.

North Carolina Community Foundation

The North Carolina Community Foundation is encouraging donations to groups that are working to address immediate health, humanitarian and safety needs in western North Carolina. A wide range of groups are supporting that effort, including the American Red CrossBaptists On MissionThe Salvation Army and United Way of North Carolina.

Community Foundation of Western North Carolina

Contributions will support recovery efforts related to the devastating impacts of Hurricane Helene in Western North Carolina.

K-12 Math Standards Review

**All survey deadlines have been extended to 8:00am on Monday November 4th!**

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s K-12 Math Standards team is excited to announce
the start of the review process for the current K-12 Math standards. Per the NC State Board of Education’s
Manual for the Review and Revision of Standards, the Math team is seeking feedback and input on the current standards from all stakeholders including educators, administrators, parents, students, institutions of higher education, business/industry representatives from across the state, national organizations, and other education agencies. Updates to the current K-12 Math Standards may include clarifications, additions, deletions, or replacements to the current standards.

To support our stakeholders in this process two surveys are being shared. Everyone is encouraged to fill
out one or both of the surveys.

  • The first option is an overview of the K-12 Math standards. This survey asks general questions about the standards as a whole. In addition, it includes a question seeking input on what math skills and concepts every North Carolina graduate should know.

  • The second option is more detailed. This survey allows participants to provide specific feedback on each standard for every grade or course.

Links to both surveys are below:

Again, all stakeholders are encouraged to fill out one or both surveys.

Thank you for your time and input. The feedback is extremely valuable to the K-12 Math standards review

Additional information about the math standard course of study and the math team can be found on the
NCDPI Math page.

NC2ML / NCCAT Secondary Math Vision Retreat 

December 2-5, 2024

Cullowhee, NC

Calling all 6-12 district math teams! Join this awesome partnership between NCCAT and NC Collaborative for Mathematics Learning (NC2ML) as we work together to co-create a vision for high-quality equitable mathematics instruction!!!

We only have room for 10 teams, so sign up today!

Session Title: Co-Creating a Vision for Equitable Math Instruction

Description: A shared vision of high-quality and equitable instruction is essential for large-scale instructional improvement in mathematics. This four-day retreat will assist district teams in developing a district-wide vision of high-quality and equitable secondary mathematics instruction. This retreat is open to district teams serving grades 6-12.

Sign up Form:

Rural Center Releases
New Rural Issues Poll

The Rural Center has received great response to our new Rural Issues Poll, but we still want to hear from more of you about the critical issues facing our communities.

The poll asks respondents to rank the importance of about 30 specific issues that are diviided into six priority areas and then to also rank those priority areas. The Rural Center will use the feedback to help shape our 2025 advocacy agenda and our 2025 Rural Summit. The poll should take 5-10 minutes to complete.

Respondents who leave their name and email at the end of the poll will be entered into a drawing for free tickets to the 2025 Rural Summit in Raleigh.


Watch for more STEM opportunities in the STEM West Newsletter!


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