NC GREEN Power Grants:
NC GreenPower is pleased to announce Solar+ Schools, providing grants for 3-5 kW solar educational projects at schools, complete with a weather station, data monitoring, curriculum from NEED.org and training for teachers.
Any North Carolina K-12 school may apply for a grant of up to $27,000 toward installation costs. In addition, awardees receive nearly $14,000 in related benefits, such as donated SunPower solar modules, a STEM curriculum and teacher training. School fundraising goals will be fixed, based on a scaled model and range from $6,000 – $12,000.

Project Spotlights
Each PBL Fellow documented an issues-based PBL unit throughout their fellowship year. The projects spotlighted below are windows into our work. We’ve given ourselves permission to dispose of carefully crafted, laminated lessons and share with you our works-in-progress as we continually struggle to improve rigor, relevance, and student engagement. We hope you find something here to help you bring these ideas into your classroom!
Teaching Contemporary Mathematics 2022
a Hybrid Conference for In-Person & Virtual Participants
February 25 – 26, 2022
Durham, NC
For more than 30 years, the Teaching Contemporary Mathematics Conference has brought together high school and college math educators from across the country for an exchange of dynamic, innovative and creative approaches to mathematics education. With sessions focused on mathematical concepts and courses for high school and college students, instructors will explore new activities, technological resources, and effective practices for engaging all learners!
This year’s conference welcomes participants in-person or virtually to the historic NCSSM campus in Durham, North Carolina, so attend our sessions in the way that best fits your busy life and our changing world. Regardless of how you join us, you will be part of a collegial community of educators engaged in a thoughtful exchange of ideas around improving our practice. With more than a dozen leading math educators scheduled to present sessions on a variety of topics, you are sure to walk away with stimulating new ideas for your classroom.
STEM Education Summit: Building a Coalition for Attracting and Retaining a Diverse STEM Teaching Workforce | Virtual-Smithsonian Education Center
![]() Applications are being accepted for the virtual summer NIEHS STaRS Experience Middle and high school science teachers and community college instructors are encouraged to apply for the2022 NIEHS Science, Teachers and Research Summer (STaRS) Experience. STaRS 2022 is a virtual one-week professional development (PD) program, designed and conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). The goals of the PD are: To enhance participants’ understanding of basic research in the environmental/biomedical sciences; and To enable participants to transfer knowledge received from this program into classroom applications and to better support their students, including those from underserved populations. The 2022 virtual STaRS Experience will be held online by NIEHS and will be a one-week program. The program will run from Monday, July 11, to Friday, July 15, from 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. each day. STaRS participants are expected to attend the full one-week program. The program will contain many interactive lessons and activities with special topics relating to COVID-19. STaRS participants will receive a $1,000 stipend to cover their time spent during the program. Requirements: Applicants must currently teach science in a middle school, high school or community college (Out-of-state educators are encouraged to apply); and Applicants must be available and fully engaged for the full one-week program (July 11-15) Women and individuals of underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Apply Now → Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, February 25, 2022. |

Virtual workshop featuring the
new Rx for Science Literacy manual just announced for
January 27, 2022
Dear K-12 Educators,
NCABR is partnering with Duke University to present Rx for Science Literacy: The What, Where, How and Why of Health Science Research, a one-day virtual workshop featuring the newly updated and expanded Rx for Science Literacy curriculum, on Thursday, January 27, from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
This is one of two workshops for the 2021-22 school year that will feature the newRx for Science Literacy curriculum manual, which will be provided to attendees at no cost.
Because a limited number of seats is available, we encourage you to register as soon as possible. Registration is completely free.
Rx for Science Literacy: The What, Where, How and Why
of Health Science Research
Virtual Workshop
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Duke University
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
This workshop will feature an overview of NCABR’s newly updated Rx for Science Literacy curriculum manual with updates from biomedical scientists about the real-world applications of biomedical research. This workshop also will address current hot topics in medicine, including health disparities, COVID-19 updates and information about in-demand medical research jobs for today’s students to consider.
NOTE: This virtual workshop will be offered live and will not be available as a recording after the program is over. To receive continuing education credits for the program and to receive a copy of the curriculum manual in the mail manual after the workshop, all participants will be expected to participate in the entire workshop from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and they will be required to submit an online program evaluation. Substitute teacher reimbursement will be provided.
About the Curriculum: With generous support from the Biogen Foundation, NCABR and a team of science writers, biomedical researchers and curriculum developers comprehensively updated and expanded the Rx for Science Literacy curriculum manual in 2020. The newly updated Rx for Science Literacy curriculum manual includes a comprehensive update of all content, statistics and charts. The manual also includes a variety of new activities, resources, interviews with real world scientists and a new section on CRISPR and CRISPR technology. The manual includes chapters on nanobiotechnology, regenerative medicine and vaccines and is accompanied by several resources, including a curriculum crosswalk that shows connections to North Carolina science standards, the Next Generation Science Standards, and a reading guide aligned to the Common Core standards.
Register Now →
About the Workshop Series: The Rx for Science Literacy workshop series provides K-12 educators a unique opportunity to tour research facilities, hear from scientists about their latest research advances and take a home a free curriculum and other bioscience education materials.
Incentives for attending an Rx for Science Literacy workshop include:
- 10 total program hours provided for certified educators to be used towards CEU credits (4 hours of additional work are optional in addition to the 6-hour virtual workshop)
- Free supplemental curriculum and other bioscience education materials to use in the classroom
- Substitute teacher support (up to $80)