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Inspiring Innovation in Student Research: Join the North Carolina Science Fair Foundation (NCSFF) for a virtual workshop this summer!
Who: Teachers in grades 3-12 who plan their school’s science fair, are new to the science fair process, are looking for a more organized approach, and/or are interested in learning how to assist students in topic selection, time management and presentation of projects.
Where: Virtual
When: August 3rd & 5th, 2021 – 8 AM to 12 PM
Cost: Free
The following topics will be discussed during the workshop:
- How to foster and guide scientific and engineering research in the classroom.
- How to initiate, manage, and evaluate student science and engineering research projects.
- You will be guided through the steps in planning a school or district science & engineering fair.
Registration assumes that you will attend both sessions. A certificate for 1 CEU will be awarded to those who participate in all virtual sessions and submit complete associated work.

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