STEM West received funding (approximately $9000 value) to train and coach 12 FLL Jr. teams. Three schools: Wittenburg Elementary of Alexander County, Gamewell Elementary of Burke County, and Webb Murray Elementary of Catawba County provided coaches. After training, the coaches provide a club for a total of 144 girls this year for the Aqua Challenge of FLL Jr. Using WeDos, curriculum, materials, and iPads that were provided by the grant the 2nd-4th graders will research clean water issues and problems. Working in collaborative teams of 6 girls, they will share their research, building structure, and solutions at the FLL Jr. Expo. The Expo will be held at the Newton Conover Middle School immediately following the 2nd Annual EdCamp STEM West. Those adults interested in interviewing the students at the Expo need to contact Carol Moore at [email protected].